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Our History

The Vancouver Hungarian Cultural Society provides a place for Hungarian heritage groups (theater, dance), lively, colourful programs (music, literature, arts), gala events, dinners and culinary events. Every year we celebrate and commemorate the many important and pivotal moments of our history. We strive to provide entertainment and cultural experiences for all ages, introduction to Hungarian culture and contact with local Hungarians while also connecting with our country of origin. The Hungarian Hall is for all of us. Our goal is to ensure a positive public profile and an active community. We welcome ideas, suggestions, and we always welcome a helping hand.


Since the 19th century, Hungarians have been living in Western Canada. From the earliest days, communities were established in places likes Abbotsford, B.C. and have spread throughout Metro Vancouver, Vancouver Island, the Okanagan and Central/Northern B.C. The Hungarian Cultural Society was formally established in the late 1940’s. Currently it is estimated that there are approximately 60,000 people of Hungarian origin in British Columbia.


By purchasing membership to the Hungarian Cultural Society of Vancouver, you are supporting the community and events which keep our community active and alive. The membership also provides you with discounted tickets to many of our events and discounted rental of our hall for your special event. It also provides an opportunity to attend meetings, vote and provide your input as to the future of the society. Membership also includes our regular newsletter: the Tárogató.


Member Departments

Working under the Hungarian Cultural Society are a number of member groups and regular users:


Vancouveri Magyar Szinház – Vancouver Hungarian Theatre Group

Nimród Vadász Klub - Nimrod Hunters' Cllub

Vancouver Csárdás Tánccsoport - Vancouver Csárdas Dance Group

Aranykorúak Klubja / Nostalgia – Golden Age Club

Forrás Tánccsoport - Forrás Dance Group


Első Magyar Református Egyház (Kálvin, 1955) 

2791 E 27th Ave, Vancouver BC, +1 (604) 437-3442

Lelkipásztor: Nt. Szigeti Miklós, +1 (604) 456-0532

Magyarok Nagyasszonya Egyházközség

1810 E 7th Ave, Vancouver BC, +1 (604) 253-2577

Plébános: Ft. Lakatos Dénes, fax: +1 (604) 253-2244

Vancouver Magyar Református Egyház

900 E 19th Ave, Vancouver BC, +1 (604) 321-4226

Lelkipásztor: Rev. Fábián Lajos




Aranykorúak Nosztalgia Klubja

-Minden hónap 2. és 4. hétfőjén.-

728 Kinsgway, Vancouver BC     


Csárdás Gyermek Néptánc Együttes



Forrás Magyar Néptánc Együttes



Kanadai Magyar Alkonzulátus, Vancouver

Konzul: Valentovics Péter

808 Nelson Street, Suite #701, 

Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2H2 (Mail Box #12131)

+1 (604) 258-9658


Vancouveri Magyar Cserkészek 


Szent László Magyar Iskola ,

1810 East 7th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5N 1S2


Vancouveri Magyar Iskola,

2791 E 27th Ave, Vancouver BC, V5R 1N4    


Vancouveri Magyar Kulturális Egyesület 

728 Kinsgway, Vancouver BC                                          

+1 (604) 876-4720,


Vancouveri Magyar Nyugdíjas Otthon

1564 SW Marine Dr, Vancouver BC, V6P 6R6

+1 (604) 264-1064


Vancouveri Magyar Rádió

Az FM 93.1 hullámhosszán vagy


Vancouveri Magyar Színház                                        



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